Friday, July 5, 2013

"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food..."~Hippocrates

For those of you who do not know, I am in Sedona, Arizona, implementing the Gerson therapy for healing cancer into my lifestyle. You may ask, "Why Gerson?" or maybe you're even asking, "What is Gerson anyway?" I have been reading Charlotte Gerson's book for the second time since I've been here, and the entire protocol is beginning to come together in my mind. The Gerson Institute has two clinics in the world. One is in Tijuana, Mexico, and the other is in Hungary. As far as I know, the lodge where I am staying is one of the only clinics in the states that offers a similar protocol to Gerson.

The Gerson Therapy, founded by Dr. Max Gerson in the 20s, implements several various aspects:
  • Flooding the body and systems with up to 15 lbs of fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of freshly squeezed juice up to 13 times per day. I, personally, drink 10 juices per day. I drink 1 orange in the morning, 4 carrot / apple juices, and 4 green juices. This equals lots of fruits and veggies and LOTS of nutrition. Along with the juice, three vegan meals are eaten per day which includes a tossed salad, Hippocrates soup (which I'll explain and give the recipe later), a potato dish of some sort and another vegetable dish of some sort. The food does not contain any seasoning or salt. The point of the dietary side of Gerson is to oxidize your cells (because cancer cannot live where there is oxygen) and replace salt with potassium. The more salt your body retains, the more swollen your cells become, leaving room for cancer to grow and multiply. 
  • Detoxify your body systems and cells with coffee enemas. I'm not going into great detail, but there is scientific evidence that the caffeine in coffee in a powerful detoxifying agent when flushed through the liver. Your system flushes through your liver every 3 minutes (and actually your liver completely breaks down and rebuilds itself every 3 months), so the longer the coffee stays in there the better. Gerson encourages up to 5 coffee enemas per day, but that would be a very harsh detoxification process. Most people that have had chemotherapy or any other toxic therapy usually only perform 2-3 per day. This cleanses the system of toxins not only from the food we eat but also from the chemicals in everyday products such as hair dye, cleansing and hygiene products, secondhand smoke, flouride / chlorine in water, and other chemicals and pollutants we come in contact with on a day to day basis. 
  • The last major aspect (and by no means is this a definitive list) of Gerson is a strict regimine of supplements. Every day I take 1 selenium, 9 wobenzyme, 12 pancreatin, 12 beef liver extract, 3 acidoll, 3 CoQ10, 3 Kava Kava, magnesium, and a b12 / liver extract injection (which I now give myself...I'm getting brave) :) I also get weekly high dose vitamin C and PolyMVA IVs. All of these supplements (others have to take even more...many take Niacin) work together to bring your bodily systems to an alkaline state where your cells are oxidized and not only can cancer not grow, but your body actually begins healing itself by breaking down and eliminating tumors. So your body actually begins healing itself from the inside out. 
So that's the main outline of the therapy. I will go into more detail later and explain the supplements. I don't want to bore you with all the gory details....enough is enough, right???

If you would like to do some more reading or research, here's a link to the Gerson website...

Also, it would be helpful to read any of the Gerson books. The Beautiful Truth or Dying to Know the Truth is a good place to start!

love, love, love to all of you....

lori jo

1 comment:

  1. Had not even heard of this place until you have shared this Lori. Thank you.
    Hope this week has been a good one for you..... God Bless You..... Bob
